7 июля 2012 г.

Leaving Mundania

Leaving Mundania- это книга, написанная Лиззи Старк (Lizzie Stark) о ролевых играх живого действия. 

Leaving Mundania tells the story of adults who put on costumes, develop personas, and interact with other characters over the course of hours or days as part of a larp. A larp is a hybrid of games like Dungeons & Dragons, historical reenactment, fandom, and good old fashioned pretend; it’s well-organized make believe for grownups.This diverse subculture is just beginning to enter the mainstream imagination in America.
In the book, I examine the hobby from a variety of angles, from its history in the pageantry of Tudor England to its present as a training tool for the US military. I profile a diverse range of larpers, from a dad who ran his kids through nightly D & D mods with morals instead of reading them bedtime stories, to a police detective terrified his office will discover his hobby. Along the way, I duel foes with foam-padded weapons, let the demon Cthulhu destroy my parents’ beach house, and survive an existential awakening brought on by Scandinavia’s avant-garde larp scene.
Книгу можно купить:  Independent Press GroupIndieboundAmazonPowell’s, or Barnes & Noble!
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Скачать одну главу книги бесплатно можно здесь: http://lizziestark.com/sample-my-book-leaving-mundania/
А также книгу можно найти здесь: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13226048-leaving-mundania

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